Army of Gamechangers with Vipe Desai

Army of Gamechangers Podcast is Live

Those that make learning a daily activity will go farther, move faster and be presented with more opportunities.

Vipe Desai


Army of Gamechangers is a weekly podcast hosted by Vipe Desai, Founder and CEO of HDX Hydration Mix

“Over the past few years the number of people reaching out to me seeking career and startup advice has been steadily growing,” said Vipe Desai, Host of the AoG podcast and CEO of HDX Hydration Mix. “The Army of Gamechangers podcast is a natural extension to bring insights and advice to more people so they can go farther, move faster and be presented with many more opportunities. I’m going to reach deep into my network and interview leaders from across a variety of industries to share their best career and leadership advice.”

Episode 0 features the host, Vipe Desai introducing the idea for the podcast. Highlights include:

• About Army of Gamechangers podcast

• Why you should make learning a daily activity

• What leaders need to do to be great leaders

• How to clear your mind and relieve stress

Episode 1 features Erik Logan, President of Oprah Winfrey Network. Highlights include:

[2:00] Erik is looking to narrow his focus about where he puts his energies this year. He wants to concentrate on just three or four areas. He spoke with the CEO of the biggest company of the world who stated, they do five things well. That discussion imprinted on Erik that he needs to simplify.

[3:00] If we’re doing ten things at a “B” level of quality, let’s narrow down to 5–6 things and make them “A’s.”

[3:45] What’s the one thing Erik wants to share that will help them get a leg up on their career path?

In baseball, you’re only good as your fastball, which needs to be your best pitch if you’ll make it as a pitcher. In life, business, and career, know what your fastball is. What one thing do you do better than anyone else, in your opinion? You can draw power, motivation, and strength from that one thing, even if you suck at everything else.

[4:55] Early in his career, Erik felt at a disadvantage (and was insecure) because he didn’t go to college. His fastball: his work ethic is superior to anyone else in business. Early in his career, he was the first one in the office, the last one to leave and would read more.

People get lost about the one thing they’re good at. The solution: be clear about your fastball. Never stop learning, find out what you’re good at, and focus on that.

[6:15] Erik’s advice to leaders: most people mis-read the room and feel they need to be the loudest, most direct person in the room. Be the person that defers to everyone else. Be the dumbest, not the smartest person in the room. Leadership is about empowering people and valuing discerning opinions.

[8:00] Galvanize a group of disparate views and move them forward. Empower and defer. Get more voices involved and make more people successful.

The first two episodes from Army of Gamechangers are available for download on iTunes and streaming from SoundCloud.



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