Smart Planet Technologies To Speak at The Rising Tide Summit
Leading materials engineering and intellectual property company to share insights on reCUP® and EarthCoating® technology with ocean conservation leaders and businesses
Smart Planet Technologies has been invited to attend the Rising Tide Summit scheduled to take place in San Pedro, CA on March 27th and 28th, 2019. The materials engineering and intellectual property company in line with its goal of providing innovative solutions to the challenges faced by the disposable paperboard barrier packaging industry will be speaking about the reCUP® and EarthCoating® technology, its new recycling solution designed to help reduce the volume of paper cups that end up in landfills.
Statistics have shown that more than 50 billion paper cups end up in US landfills every year. This rather unfortunate phenomenon is largely attributed to the challenges recyclers encounter in processing the plastic-coated cup stock. The number of paper cups in landfills is significantly higher when considering the global marketplace, making it imperative for more stakeholders in the industry to put more efforts into developing innovative solutions. While some companies have opted for compostable solutions, the lack of industrial composting facilities makes this option challenging. This is in addition to composting paper cups serving a linear economy while recycling supports a circular economy. Smart Planet Technologies is, however, looking to change this narrative and the company is attending the forthcoming Rising Tide Summit to share its solution to the world.
“The first step to getting paper cups recycled is to make them valuable and easy for recyclers to process through their conventional recycling equipment,” said Todd Gasparik, Vice President of Business Development for Smart Planet Technologies and panelist at the Rising Tide Summit.
Smart Planet Technologies has developed a mineralized resin alternative to Polyethylene called EarthCoating®. The solution is particularly unique as it can be used in the production of paper cups (called reCUP®) made with 51% less plastic that can be easily pulped into recycled paper products using conventional paper recycling equipment. The solution has already become a global phenomenon helping the production and distribution of millions of paper cups across the globe by large foodservice packaging companies like Detpak, CupPrint, Pureco, Linstol, Bunzl, and Sysco.
At the event, Smart Planet Technologies will be explaining how EarthCoating® may be used to solve the paper cup recycling problem and address the most popular recycling industry myths. Attendees will be served coffee with paper hot cups made with EarthCoating® (reCUP®) and all the reCUPs will be collected for recycling by Allan Company, a local MRF (material recovery facility) upon the completion of the 2-day event.
“Solving tough problems requires a thirst for innovation.” Said Vipe Desai, Founder of the Rising Tide Summit and CEO of HDX. “Smart Planet Technologies is bringing forth a solution that is long overdue and is already having an impact on the marketplace. It’s exactly the type of innovation needed and attendees are going to have a chance to experience and learn all about their technology.”
Panel info:
Environmental Entrepreneurs: Problem Solvers in Action
Entrepreneurs are hard wired to solve problems and in this conversation, President and CEO of the Ocean Institute, Dan Pingaro, will sit with two entrepreneurs who are using business as a force for good. The problems of single-use plastic straws and un-recyclable paper cups might just be about to meet their match. Their businesses are built on solving issues related to waste and we’ll learn how they’re doing, where they’re going and what can businesses and NGO’s learn from their efforts.
Moderator: Dan Pingaro, President and CEO, Ocean Institute
Panelist: Emma Rose-Cohen, Founder, FinalStraw
Panelist: Todd Gasparik, Vice President of Business Development,Smart Planet Technologies
More information about the Rising Tide Summit, agenda and speaker line up, please visit